Pike’s research makes it clear that the future of the automotive industry is simply a rehash of its past….electric vehicles. First having appeared early last century, there is nothing really new about an EV except its refined sources of power, management and storage. The concept is as old as the industrial revolution.
However, with forecasts of nearly 8million charging stations worldwide in 5 years, that seems to tell the story that this time, EVs are here to stay.
It also points to the fact that quick charge is right around the corner, with a small minority now able to recharge cars under 30 minutes turning into a significant minority within 5 years. The fact that large electronics companies are getting into it, makes me ask one simple question…when will Apple and Google get into it in a big way?
Google is tinkering away with wireless prototypes, and EVs on its campus. Not sure what Apple is doing, yet they won’t be far behind the moment they can figure out how to create a distinctive ecosystem linking it all back to them :).
So you walk into a car dealer in the near future…and you can buy an EV, home solar power system and EV charger…and pay a monthly fee for all. Go figure, that which I dreamt of for two decades has arrived. The renewable economy is here to stay…and suddenly the choices are far wider than I ever could have imagined….
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Let’s get this all going before I plotzs!