Sunlogics in transition…

Many people are buzzing about the recent appearance of Sunlogics PLC on the German Stock exchange and have been asking me when the clarifications in the relationships between Sunlogics PLC, Sunlogics Inc, Sunlogics Power Fund and Salamon Group, will be announced.

OK, so here’s the scoup. Things are moving quickly as we near the last stages of the reverse merger between Salamon Group and the Sunlogics Fund. Meantime, here are some of the hotter topics (as gauged by investment board and incoming emails) which I can address, except those that will require proper SEC-regulated public disclosure as “material events”.

1. Sunlogics Power Fund and Salamon Group
The auditors continue to do their work and are nearing end stages. Some timing expectations were created months ago and perhaps I can be permitted to say they were a wee bit “aggressive”, yet we are working hard to meet even those expectations. If we are a bit late, be forgiving..please!

2. Sunlogics PLC and Sunlogics Inc
Some of you have noticed a public listing in Germany for Sunlogics PLC. You will also note a slightly revamped temporary website for Sunlogics Inc., which shows the listing price for Sunlogics PLC. We’ll be clarifying the relationship between PLC and Inc. very shortly, as a revamped branding initiative is launched.

3. Sunlogics PLC and Sunlogics Power Fund
Nothing really new to report here except that as the reverse merger continues for “Fund”, so must business continue for “Inc”. This might mean some short term gymnastics, since funding for “Fund” can only occur post merger, yet our main priority today is to deliver on promises made to customers and other partners, and that’s what we must focus on.

Those of you who have followed the evolution of brands at ICP Solar, know that when Mitch Joel got involved, the branding of the company and products took a giant leap. His recent book “Six Pixels of Separation” has hit the NY Times Best Sellers list, and I continue to learn and appreciate Mitch’s genius when it comes to branding and marketing in general. What we hope to do at Sunlogics is exemplify what a group of talented people can do, by implementing many of the principles which Mitch espouses for companies that seek to take the industry to where it needs to go, rather than to accept it as it is. If we want deployment of Sunlogics’ Green Zones across the world to be an experience like no other for our partners, we must communicate with our consumers in a manner that no other solar company has to date. That is the joyful mandate that I bear…just give us some time to catch our breath to all that is going on around us.

Its an exciting time for our team. Growing pains will happen. Yet I am sure there will be room for all that bring integrity and transparency to the dream, and who work for a greater good, understanding that therein lies the secret to our own abundance.

Any questions…you know how to reach me.



  1. Scott Biggs says:

    Thanks for your continued eforts. Hope everything works out and look forward to seeing this finished.

  2. Marius says:

    MASSIVE stock fraud is about to be perpetrated with GM’s supposed unwitting 9:00am announcement of GM’s
    investment in / with Sunlogics Inc.

    Notice how this “announcement” will be @ 9:00amEST 30 min. before N.Y. Market open ???

    Read these two LINKS: Canadian stock fraudsters created a Reverse Merger between The Salamon Group. TICKER symbol SLMU and a shell company they created calling THAT, Sunlogics Power Fund Management Inc.

    Over The Counter exchange penny stock investors of SLMU are being told that GM’s investment in Sunlogic has to do with THEM (i.e.SLMU )

    Sunlogic in MICHIGAN…. has nothing to do with Salamon Group/Sunlogics Power Fund Management Inc. (shell Corp.) in Modesto CA / CANADA

    • sass says:

      I made a commitment a while back that I would publish all comments, so long as there was a line of decency not crossed. After consulting with legal counsel, this comment is deemed fair game. While I may not agree with its contents, I cannot have one set of rules for one type of post, and another for another type. The opinion expressed by this poster is obviously not my own, nor supported by me, and so I have dug to find agreement with some of the comment:
      1. The announcement was made at 9AM as suggested by the post.
      2. Sunlogics Inc. does have a location in Michigan.
      3. Sunlogics Inc. is indeed a distinct corporation from Sunlogics Power Fund Management Inc.

      That’s where the agreement stops. The rest is in the eye of the beholder…


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