The values of a Millenial generation, and how it will affect everything...

People in particular industries are framing the argument between new entrants vs established players as a very personal issue of what societies want. Well, they are right. It is a very personal issue of what a new generation values. And they are wrong. It is not going to resolved by name-calling at newbies like Airbnb, Uber, Grow (Fintech) or others as "cheats." Below are a few cases in point which should help illustrate my point:

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May 8, 2014

Vestibulum commodo volutpat laoreet

Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat.

May 7, 2014

Vivamus sit amet metus sem uspendisse pellen

Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula. Ut molestie a, ultricies porta urna. Vestibulum commodo volutpat a, convallis ac, laoreet enim. Phasellus fermentum in, dolor. Pellentesque facilisis.

May 6, 2014

Quisque lorem tortor fringilla

Aliquam erat ac ipsum. Integer aliquam purus. Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed, vestibulum id, eleifend justo vel bibendum sapien massa ac turpis faucibus orci luctus non, consectetuer lobortis quis, varius in, purus. Integer ultrices posuere cubilia Curae, Nulla ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit adipiscing. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices volutpat.

December 30, 2013

Enter 2014….

Everyone at this time seems to feel we should wish each other a Happy New Year, as if by some divine intervention, this is the only […]
December 26, 2013

ConnectedDrive and BMW i3 coming to 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

See on – Sustainability and responsibility The BMW Group will showcase BMW ConnectedDrive and announce its future plans for highly automated driving at the 2014 […]
December 25, 2013

Volkswagen gives the e-Up a voice – IOL Motoring |

See on – Sustainability and responsibility Sass Peress‘s insight: VW will catch up quickly…. See on
December 18, 2013

Grant helps Ottawa solar energy innovator create jobs

See on – E-mobility and renewable energyUp to 20 new jobs will be coming to Ottawa thanks to a $4-million provincial investment in local tech […]
December 15, 2013

LA Times – Tesla Motors plans to debut cheaper car in early 2015

See on – Sustainability and responsibility Sass Peress‘s insight: With $40K base cost, $8K in incentives, this now becomes a $32K Tesla…the mainstream will grow […]