The US is deciding whether or not to open up new areas for more oil exploration on the hope that it can save a few pennies in several years? You have to see right through this as a last ditch attempt by Mr. Bush to satisfy his friends who want more money in the oil companies coffers rather than a true attempt to resolve the current “energy crisis” being manufactured in the US for political purposes.
I suspect they know that if a Democrat comes into power, their chances of opening up these fields disappears…for a while. So rather than spend that money on more renewables, he’d rather take a last stab at this crazy scheme which really won’t make a dent in american’s pocketbooks.
How sad that energy policy in the country which uses the most is being so myopic at the highest level.
I think the US energy policy is to use all theirs before we use ours.
With all the good news about the contract with Nissan additional funding about a month ago, why is this company’s stock still sinking?