Life with no regrets…

Someone once said to me there are no “should’a, would’a or could’a” in life. What is past cannot be taken back. What is present is truly all we know. The future is still a mystery.

Linked is a wonderful statement by an experienced nurse of the 5 most often spoken regrets by people on their death beds. Resolve today to avoid them and if you at least likely succeed in a couple of them, that will serve you well.

Why wait for your death bed? Life is long, yet it doesn’t mean that armed with new information or tools, we can’t all make the kinds of changes today that will mean we will go with a smile in our hearts…


1 Comment

  1. Brett says:

    The past is all but done!! The future , well take the bull by the horns and you can steer it in the right direction if you are strong enough to handle the ride!!it will at least help 1 mold 1s future!!

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