How NOT to let people go…

Radio Shack recently sent a mass email layoff notice to employees. It was not personalized and rather short. And please don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for this organization which has been very good to ICP over the years of our existence. (its former “.com” President sits on our board)
Now, I know that email can be a very impersonal medium if only because we can tend to hit SEND far before we’ve really thought through the words we write. When we write a letter, we have to put it in the envelope, get a stamp, etc.. and we have more time to think about what we write and whether or not the words truly reflect what we wish to communicate. When we hit the SEND button on our email program, its gone, finished, sent and usually delivered within seconds.
So just a thought about how quickly loyalty and feelings of endearment towards an organization can vanish. Treat people on exit as you did on entry and you will have more people wanting to come into your organization than wanting to leave.
Reminds me of the joke about the devil recruiting…

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