Gas companies getting into the solar powered EV charging game…

The market is the dictator of the offer. Customers ask, we deliver. Years ago Mitch Joel told me that the greatest asset that I could bring to my team was to be a public face with this solar blog as the venue. He was pointing me to my own “unique ability”, as he saw it. The market rewards those who deliver value consistently and over-deliver surprisingly.

So now a gas company is hoping to reshape the electric vehicle market in the UK, as well as solar powered home system installations. I’m not sure the last time I thought of a gas company as over-delivering or customer-friendly, yet there’s always a first.

News today that British Gas has chosen to begin offering electric vehicle charging stations to homeowners, as well as solar powered systems for their rooftops. I guess they believe if they can sell homeowners a gas stove and service, why not a solar power system and electric vehicle charger?

Goes back to marketing rule #1…he who owns the relationship with the customer will win. Its great news for sunlogics because it simply brings more eyeballs to what we are trying to accomplish. While some may see the challenge of giants, I am reminded of Michael Dell’s words of over a decade ago that went something like “the battle will no longer be about the biggest vs the smallest. Rather it will be between the fastest and the slowest”.

So quick to market, execution and distinctions which create consumer brand loyalty will be the call of the day. Those who get that will win the hearts and minds of customers in the long term.

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