Well its already begun…the oil men are figuring out their “swan songs” as they know the last days of the Bush administration is upon them. “George W” is now considering up opening up drilling for oil near Alaska in a place home to endangered wales and already dwindling salmon runs.
While I am sure that he’ll make a case for “homeland security”, since everything under the sun these days is being pushed under that umbrella, there are far better ways to ensure American self-reliance…the sun that shines on the contiguous states provides more than enough power, if cultivated, for the US’ growing needs. The challenge is how to convince Mr. Bush that therein lies not only independance from foreign oil, but also very coveted and valuable industry jobs and careers.
Years ago we heard Bill Clinton cry out “its the economy, stupid!”. I believe we are now seeing the days of “its the GREEN economy, stupid!”. The GREEN economy will create tens of thousands of jobs in the coming years around the globe. If America wishes to claim a substantial chunk of it, then there need to be investments and government support for industry beyond the demand-side of the chain. Without dissing the demand side, the fact is that all that creates is installation and distribution jobs, while the development and manufacturing side will create intellectual property far more valuable to a society, and thus higher paying jobs across the board.
Think about that George W. Be the president whose legacy was NOT to open up drilling in some of the last vestiges and refuges of our wildlife. Rather be the one who left a legacy of the “greening of America” not through simply the planting of more trees, but more like the seeding of more green, young minds.
OK, so I’m dreaming in green technicolor…but hey…it all started with a dream for me too.