Conservation and Creation

The drive to reduce dependency on fossil fuels took another upward swing this week with the announcement in Europe of agreement on targets to boost use of renewables to 20% of power by 2020.
What is additionally significant is that there are draft laws that may also doom the incandescent bulb to its grave since it is recognized that fluorescents, and the upcoming LED technologies, are far more efficient and can play a significant role in reducing power consumption, and thus carbon emissions (from the oil burning technologies).
This reminds me of the philosophy I have been professing at ICP Solar which is that every little bit counts. You don’t have to buy a solar system for your home at $50,000 to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Simply using a small solar system (like our Sunsei models) to reduce battery failures or the use of grid-electricity, even in such small contributions, can build up when you consider that hundreds of thousands of people are doing the same.
Don’t mean to sound like a commercial for our solar power products, yet the truth is that you don’t have to wait until solar power is competitive with other sources, you can get on the bandwagon today. As long as you deal with a brand you can trust, you’ll be sure to be doing your bit, as well as benefiting from solar power’s convenience.
PS> I am now searching for my next car and have determined to search the category by “most green”. “Walk the talk” they say…

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