Some very interesting perspectives in an article on the solar power industry which popped online this morning.
If you read back to some of my previous postings, I’ve been saying the same thing for several months, yet its great to see my thoughts validated by PV industry gurus. The changing of the guard is underway and those old-timer solar companies which were started by greenies or scientists must now morph into industrial powerhouses or superior marketing machines.
As the articles, writes EVERYBODY is growing simply by the fact of the growth in the marketplace yet we are starting to see some cracks in certain performance levels and its my belief that in a year or so we’ll start to see more major moves. The withdrawal of the Photowatt IPO and the subsequent management shake-up shows that the solar corporate world will not tolerate a lack of performance any more than in any other industry.
Keep your eyes open, there IS going to be blood on the floor with some of the “disruptive” players not even being felt yet..