
January 28, 2009

Solar cars are here!

Toyota, the LARGEST car maker in the world now, launched a Prius with a solar energy roof to ventilate parked cars. While the idea is not […]
August 5, 2008

Negawatts vs Megawatts…

Article on CNN today about how conservation, and reducing the use of gasoline, can affect the american usage of petroleum far more than the additional drilling being proposed...
June 14, 2008

Which is better, higher oil costs or investing in green?

Well at least I can agree with Senator Obama on his green policy. Below is copy of a blog text on CNN.com just reported. (CNN) — […]
March 18, 2008

Blogging on blogging…

The Globe and Mail published this article on CEOs that blog. Thought it may be of interest to you… Sass