Blogging, Tweeting, FBing…where does it end?

You’ll notice that I haven’t blogged in about a week as I was travelling. The question becomes what is the best use of time and what I am blogging for when I have Twitter and Facebook to manage as well? Sharing information, and getting reactions to what I post, has taught me much about myself and the people who read my blog, yet I am not sure that blogging here is the path forward, as a new career restarts.

The reality is that social network sites have changed the manner in which we get our information and seek it out. A blog can remain a central repository of that information, yet the current mechanics that I have made tweeting or FB posts much easier to manage, so perhaps the secret lies in having a better mobile platform with which to blog, and that can immediately post to twitter and facebook.

The world of solar power and emobility are indeed colliding, as a series of meetings with major car companies proved to me last week. The question is only to find the manner and place in which to interject innovation and process for companies trying to figure it out on their own.


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