With the link between the electric vehicle and solar power clearly established, it will only be a matter of time until we have car dealers being energy brokers.
Follow the announcement earlier this week by Ford and Sunpower, in partnership with Best Buy‘s geek squad, and you will see that the energy game is changing.
This continues the trend of major car makers recognizing that their customers are early adopters who would be interested in more environmental offerings through their tens of thousands of dealerships. What is also most interesting is Best Buy’s continued forray into the EV and renewable world. They are clearly ahead of the pack because of their Geek Squad teams, yet we can expect other retailers to either establish their own or quickly partner with massive nationwide deployment capacity.
What is interesting is why other american car makers remain quiet on this front, when they have been so vocal about other renewable energy initiatives. Notwithstanding their agreements with several solar energy providers, of different types and targets, it would seem to me that the others are going to be behind the eight-ball if they don’t get their ducks in line and quickly deploy a nationwide capacity to match the deployment of vehicles like the Volt and now Cadillac extended-range electric models…
You can fully expect this solar blog writer to be driving an EV within a short time. Too bad that Quebec offers very little incentive to put a solar charging system on our house, yet I suspect that with pricing dropping like a rock in the solar world, it won’t be long now before I can post a picture of myself atop our roof with solar system installed. The only question is whose car will I pick…