
March 3, 2016

renewz launches new direction, new team, new look….

Ever since I was born, I’ve been accustomed to the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. My father is a successful entrepreneur who used to have me […]
September 4, 2015

Trump’s “location” strategy…

The essence of any real estate deal is to have the vision of what to do with specific locations. If you have a vision beyond others, […]
August 6, 2015

Where is the Canada I once knew?

As a federal election nears, I am left wondering where the Canada that I loved has gone to? Much has been written by others about the […]
June 22, 2015

When our energy travels with us…..

Many are looking to the mobile phone industry for a model in which energy will be purchased, sold, created, stored and traded in the future. For […]