
September 15, 2005

That’s MISTER Blogoogle to you!

Googling blogs? Now we are going to be given a tool to search blogs for information. Or is it editorial? What is the difference? Where is […]
September 10, 2005

Our deepest fear is not…

Watched “Coach Carter” tonight with my family. Amongst the many lessons this movie can teach us, I picked this one to share: Our deepest fear is […]
September 10, 2005

If it’s “givers gain” then why am i feeling “givers pain”?

Yesterday was the Linda Saab Breast Cancer Golf Tournament. My team and I raised almost $10000 for the cause of breast cancer research and wellness centers […]
September 8, 2005


So Skype and ebay get together..hmmm. One sells VoIP and the other is known as an auction house. What do they have in common you ask? […]