
June 12, 2006

Exotic Solar Entries

There was a day when you could simply say that thin film technology was “amorphous” in its composition. And yet in recent years ,many new combinations […]
May 31, 2006

Destructive Solar Disruptive

Ouch! is what we could hear ATS Automation shareholders across the world say when they heard of the over $60million write-down for investments in the Spheral […]
May 27, 2006

Everest Peace Achieved…can we do the same?

Simply reproduced is an exerpt from the Everest Peace Project website proclaiming victory as 10 people (including Israelis and Palestinians) reached the summit: Some final thoughts […]
May 23, 2006

Oh no! The solar CEO is blogging again..

Seth Godin warns CEO’s about blogging in his posted article in which he advises that a CEO must be prepared to walk the talk if he/she […]