
September 1, 2006

From the world leader in solar…

The leader in solar by far, in terms of capacity is Sharp. So when their leader speaks, people listen. According to him, solar will be competitive […]
August 31, 2006

How NOT to let people go…

Radio Shack recently sent a mass email layoff notice to employees. It was not personalized and rather short. And please don’t get me wrong, I have […]
August 29, 2006

Strength in numbers…

Well it looks like the sales reps of Topray Shenzhen are quite peeved at us. They have threatened me if I continue to talk about the […]
August 28, 2006

Its a bird, its a plane, no its a flying solar cell!

Now look who’s getting big time in to solar..BOEING BOEING is starting with a rather modest goal and intends on getting big time into the solar […]