
February 6, 2007

China’s Climate Concerns

News today that unseasonably warm temperature in China, in the middle of winter, has caused concern about the fact that China’s huge industrial machine may be […]
February 5, 2007

Carbon Quota Conundrums

I’ve decided to add a new category today named CLIMATE CHANGE and this is the first posting, after several which I fit into other categories from […]
February 4, 2007

President GW Sunbeam?

Sorry, yet I simply could not resist using the same headline as this LA Times article. Giant mirrors pointing the sunlight back at the atmosphere to […]
February 3, 2007

Polution Police with Punch…

Some news today that France has proposed a worldwide environmental watchdog agency to look over and possibly penalize countries which surpass their allotted polution limits. It […]