
March 20, 2007

Take me out to the solar park…

News comes today that San Francisco will have the world’s first solar powered baseball park.. This is testament to how incentives provided by the government to […]
March 18, 2007

One man’s garbage is another’s….home?

Under the continuing dominant topic-du-jour of climate change, comes more ecological genius. A man in a stenchy river, filled with fouled garbage, has found a way […]
March 16, 2007

SHOW (Solar Hydrogen Oxygen Water) TIME !

News today of a $0 cost home using solar and hydrogen built by a private individual in New Jersey! Now we must admit that we would […]
March 14, 2007

Bloggin’ Oscars…

It was just a matter of time before blogs became celebrated. Here is a link to an article on Blog Awards. With 175,000 new blogs created […]