
December 20, 2011

Why manufacturing in the USA is risky business…yet necessary.

So many companies recently have attempted either to relaunch manufacturing lines or to launch new ones, unsuccessfully, in the energy sector, that it makes us wonder […]
December 16, 2011

Facebook Feeble Financials…

Facebook underwhelms with latest financials. Not good news for an IPO valuation. The fact is that more and more people are telling me they spend less […]
December 11, 2011

Solar rooftops for $2.85 per watt…

Yup, you read it right! The cost of solar has dropped not only because of dropping solar panel prices, yet because we’ve found some really neat […]
December 8, 2011

Its all in the numbers…

Zynga, now at over 200million, is said to possibly double its users as Facebook grows and gets more aggressive with its credits program. Since the average […]