We’re seeing a global backlash against nuclear that is at times fair and unfair, so take this solar blog’s perspective with a grain of salt :)…
While there is no doubt that nuclear provides energy that is clean for relatively low-cost, from a direct operational perspective, it is the cleanup and warehousing of toxic waste costs that are not necessarily always counted in the equation. Three Mile Island cost close to $1billion to clean up. Give me $1billion and I’ll build a solar roof roof installation on every building in Manhattan!
The fact is that it comes back to whether or not “safe” has a value which is monetizable. Its mostly still about money. I have a feeling that the cost associated with preventing nuclear meltdowns, rebuilding and changing designs for future nuclear plants on the japanese coast will be well into the billions. Perhaps the Japanese government would be well advised to consider the alternatives while factoring in the cost of using such a dangerous material, in a place where there is a high risk of earthquake.
UPDATE: In the name of fairness, here’s a contrarian view about the subject above.