The reality of our future with oil..

The reality hits home. Use of oil to grow by 50% in next 22 years! So what happened to the “green revolution”?
The fact is that while the developed world has its luxuries..the underdeveloped one is just getting started. And when you consider the population which does not yet benefit from fuel-based transportation, it is huge. So when you put together an increasing revenue based for those countries and the need for convenience and the lack of an affordable alternative…oil is here for a long, long time to come.
This does not mean that eventually we will completely eradicate this need. It does not mean that if we invest heavily in battery and renewable technologies we can’t shorten oil’s remaining lifetime as a power supply. It simply means that we should not delude ourselves into believing that we can do it as quickly as we wish.
Where there is a dream there is hope. And when you look at things positively, the things that you look at change for the positive. So keep going, make a change to your life today, even if its for your pocketbook. One way or another, renewables will one day become the standard.

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