Blogging on blogging…

The Globe and Mail published this article on CEOs that blog. Thought it may be of interest to you…


  1. Claude Théoret says:

    Hi Sass,
    I read your article in the Globe this weekend, very good. It reminded me of an article published in Lapresse last week titled: Le Role des Patrons dans les réseaux sociaux. You can read the article at:
    The Corporate Knights online magazine featured an article written by myself that you might find very interesting:
    I wouls be curious to see what you think. Keep up the good work on the blog and elsewhere… you won’t miss the porsche that much? :)
    A bientot,

  2. Very cool Sass.
    We said it back then, and it still rings true now: the general public will be engaged and interested in what you have to say as a CEO.
    Keep it up!

  3. Dear Sass,
    A friend of mine, who wondered why a CEO would blog like we both do, e-mailed me the link about the article; I decided to put your blog on my netvibe and I will refer your blog when this question would be asked: “Why do you blog ? Do you, as a CEO, use your time efficiently by blogging ?”
    Thanks for your help and keep on blogging ! I will soon have my blog in English… Hoping to see your comments soon.

  4. U.schulten says:

    Dear Mr. Peress
    when can i read your new blog?
    when can i read good news?
    when is the Time for “…the best is yet to come
    and and and………….
    Mr. Peress you are verry speechless

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