Just because you believe…should we all?

Interesting article in this morning’s CNN website about a Republican government official who believes that more control should be put on the immigration policies of the USA with respect to a specific group of people, namely Muslims.
The lawmaker believes that it would be in the USA’s best interests to limit legal immigration of people from the Middle East or of other Islamic origin. He takes exception to another recently elected government official wishing to place his hand on the Quran rather than on the Christian bible.
Ah, the times they are a changin’, and with this change come out fears of insecurity by an establishment which to date, remained unchallenged. Now islamic students ask why references to the Ten Commandments and New Testament can be made, yet none to the Quran. Where does it end? Should we have references to ALL organized religions in the USA on official’s walls or should they be free to post that to which they prescribe?
Franky speaking, my personal belief is that religion is a personal matter, not something for public consumpton. Yes, we do say “in G-d we trust”, yet that statement in no way limits how we believe, what we believe and in whom we believe. The key issue to me is true faith. IF you really believe in the book you are placing your hand upon, then nobody can tell you which book to choose. IF its YOUR office, you should be free to put up one, two, a hundred religious references of your own choice. Nobody should judge you based on what you put on your wall, more than what is in your mind and heart. Simple as that.
The issue I believe is that there is a new reality in the USA, with a new population strength in the Muslim community which dares to speak, whereas before, those who spoke were seen as rebels, now they do so as full citizens who wish to participate in every corner of American life, their way. These are interesting times. Diversity is what the world is about. Get used to it Senator.

1 Comment

  1. peter says:

    I agree to a degree. Yes it is “YOUR” choice for what you believe and how you display it. But as an elected official, it is not “YOUR” office or ideas that matter, it’s the people who elected you.
    I don’t want to go into my Senator’s office to see a bunch of religious quotes or pictures anywhere. I want him/her to listen to me and everyone else who elected him/her and do what “WE” say for them to do in our place.
    I think there should be a “Separation between church and state” (OOPS, we have that already) and not have any religion placed above another in our governments places of work. They don’t have a place there and shouldn’t have references there at all. No swearing to God (isn’t that offensive anyways?), just saying how they will do as we ask them to do for US.
    Anyways, yes tolerance and diversity need to play a bigger part in our world, but religion and government don’t mix anywhere in anytime, they are both about control.
    Thanks for your comment. We can’t help as humans, to have our views affected by our beliefs. We also should not limit anyone’s freedom, and I include elected officials, from displaying or believing as they choose to in their religion. At least if they are up front with it, you know what you’re getting when you vote for them. I prefer to know up front that an official has a viewpoint, carved by her/his religious belief, prior to voting for them, rather than those who choose to hide their true agendas by pretending to have little affiliation. I do agree that elected officials are there to represent everyone, yet let’s not fool ourselves, they were elected by like-minded people and NOT everyone in their constituency may believe the same thing, whether political or religious.

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