Injustice is never Invincible…

Those of the lower castes in India are finding an ingenious way out of the prejudice that is imposed upon them from birth..that of a caste system which determines how high one can go according to one’s blood line…they are simply converting out, en masse, out of the Hindhu faith which holds them back into Christianity or Buddhim.
And how are the authorities reacting? By attempting to press down harder by changing the definition of the religions!
The story is simply about injustice. People told what they can or can’t be due to their family history. Imagine telling your son “you can never be a Bill Gates, an Einstein or a Nobel Prize winner” simply because your fathers father’s father’s father wasn’t? Is it the role or path we should help our children see or is it the exact opposite.
Injustice comes in many forms. It can be legislated, implied yet in the end it can never be enforced forever. Either the people will revolt or they will simply leave. Be the wind beneath your children’s wings, your followers dreams and aspirations. You will never have trouble with that mantra. Otherwise, you’ll face the same mass revolts they are now seeing in India.

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