California has decided to sue automakers over carbon emissions thereby holding them accountable for damage to the environment. This is a new step in the efforts to reduce global warming which could have serious repercussions for industry as a whole.
Why stop at the automakers? How about manufacturing plants, power plants, boat makers, RV makers, fireplace makers, etc…? Frankly I wonder at which point we overstep the bounds of reasonable conduct and get into a situation where rather than focus on enforcement of limits, we “blame” others for the issues we fail to control. Sounds a lot like legal beagles getting the best of a process.
I would personally prefer to see California make it illegal to sell cars with MPG’s below a certain level or maximize the size of engines in the vehicles sold (per class) or enforce an ethanol strategy across the spectrum of vehicles. I’m not a fan of legal pursuit to achieve objectives. I’ve seen tons of money poured into legal pursuits and have found its rare that they result in a positive outcome…except of course for attorney pocketbooks!
So although I commend Governor Arnold for promoting an aggressive stance within his team against global warming, I believe this is not necessarily the manner in which I’d want to be helping to control carbon emissions in my home state.
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Uncertain as to where to post this recent article: Silicon Valley goes solar –