So I went googling on the “definition of balance” realizing that recently I have known a number of people who have shown such symptoms of imbalance in one way or another, and these were found across different continents of people in my circle. I say this because its’ been something rumbling in my head for a while, as I seek to continuously fine-tune my life to catch that forever elusive true balance that we all seek.
Some of the interesting hits that came up on Google included:
bal·ance Pronunciation (blns)
1. A weighing device, especially one consisting of a rigid beam horizontally suspended by a low-friction support at its center, with identical weighing pans hung at either end, one of which holds an unknown weight while the effective weight in the other is increased by known amounts until the beam is level and motionless.
2. A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.
3. The power or means to decide.
a. A state of bodily equilibrium: thrown off balance by a gust of wind.
b. The ability to maintain bodily equilibrium: Gymnasts must have good balance.
5. A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability.
6. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design. See Synonyms at proportion.
7. An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.
8. The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.
9. Accounting
a. Equality of totals in the debit and credit sides of an account.
b. The difference between such totals, either on the credit or the debit side.
10. Something that is left over; a remainder.
11. Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.
12. Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.
13. A balance wheel.
Of all of these above, my favourite is #6. The inclusion of words relating to harmony and satisfaction are important yet we must realize that on the pendulum of life, you will never achieve that perfect middle point immediately even from the moment you decide that its what you seek and the middle point will continuously change. Those who have true balance are able to find balance quickly and maintain it by being proactive in their environment to protect it and reactive quickly enough when events occur beyond their control to help restore it.
The following link provides a great summary as it focuses on the methods and goals one can have in creating balance between work and play. My favourite quote from it is “Balance is not so much an end goal as it is a way of experiencing life”.