
September 10, 2005

Our deepest fear is not…

Watched “Coach Carter” tonight with my family. Amongst the many lessons this movie can teach us, I picked this one to share: Our deepest fear is […]
September 10, 2005

If it’s “givers gain” then why am i feeling “givers pain”?

Yesterday was the Linda Saab Breast Cancer Golf Tournament. My team and I raised almost $10000 for the cause of breast cancer research and wellness centers […]
September 8, 2005


So Skype and ebay get together..hmmm. One sells VoIP and the other is known as an auction house. What do they have in common you ask? […]
September 7, 2005

Hurray Hybrids!

Green cars are coming of age. Now with gas hitting $4 per gallon in the USA, consumers are looking to environmental technologies more seriously. This puts the onus on the producers of environmental technologies to graduate from "gadget status" to "real world" deliverables. You will see a flood of news on hybrid cars and renewable power now that the american nation has joined the rest of the world in paying high gas prices. Its' a mark that won't go away even if prices abate back to previous levels. Click on the link for more... Sass